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There is a King who knows everything that goes on in the kingdom.


At lunch, the King waits for everyone to leave the room to uncover the platter that the Servant brings him. What is on the platter? Is it something that allows the King to have access to so much knowledge?


One day, the Servant lifts the lid and here's what he sees: a white serpent. Filled with desire, the Servant eats the serpent and finally discovers the mystery. After that, a journey begins... that culminates with the golden apple.


In most stories we find a journey. Traveling represents our inner journey process. We need to stretch the limits of what we know about ourselves if we are to expand our awareness.


This expansion of consciousness is often represented by a treasure: jewels, pearls, a crown... or a tree with golden apples.

The end of the journey is not the treasure: it is sharing it with the world. But what about the beginning? Generally, it all starts with a call.

The vision


On October 31, 2019, stimulated by a great friend, I went to peek at "the invisible worlds" and had a very strong vision.


A vision is the way I chose to designate what happens to me when I close my eyes and images appear that form a meaning and, at times, a narrative. It is not a trance, as I am fully awake and aware. I can leave at any time.


With my eyes open, I see nothing but stark, hard reality. I don't hear anything that isn't vibrating in the same space where the others are.


It is, therefore, an inner vision, much like a dream. And just like certain dreams, these visions tend to come true.


My visions are adventures in "invisible worlds", are stories where I am guided by intuition.


What was special about this vision was that it was a kind of premonition. Something was revealed to me. And it was such a good thing that I decided to share it.


The vision led me to the golden apples.


The book


One morning in January 2020, I was just having my coffee while looking out at the sea, when I decided to ask my Sacral what I should do at that moment.

According to the Human Design system I work with, the Sacral, or instinct, is my energy center for decision making. I got used to listening to it for important decisions, but it's hard to be always attentive to what it says in my daily routine.

That day, I opened myself to the possibility of letting myself be guided by the Sacral, instead of following my routine.


Suddenly something drew my attention to the office closet and I felt my body naturally moving towards it.

In my childhood, this closet was my first gateway to other worlds. In that closet I discovered Enid Blyton's “The Five” and “The Seven” and many other books that took me on fantastic adventures. It was my grandparents' closet, which ended up being transferred to my mother's house.


That morning, following my Sacral's impulse, I made my way to the closet. I had recently moved from Lisbon to my mother's house in the Algarve, and as it was impossible to keep all my books in my room, I had to spread them around the house. That's how I found myself staring at the complete works of the Brothers Grimm, a three-volume collection published by Temas e Debates.


I grabbed one of the volumes and opened it randomly. I got into the story “The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs” and I couldn't get back out.


When I saw the tree of golden apples in the story, something lit up inside me. I had to write! I had to enter into that story, live it and give it shape. It was a way to find out more about the vision I'd had two months earlier.


I thought I was just writing an article for the blog, but soon I realized I already had 9 stories that inspired me to write 200 pages.


From the myth of Demeter and Persephone, through Snow White and the Golden Bird, ending with Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung... myths and fairy tales have revealed a path that left me in a state of enchantment.


I saw a map emerge, a route to a journey of self-knowledge.

O audiolivro

Antes de editar "A Maçã Dourada" em papel, gravei um audiolivro. São cerca de 11h30, onde poderás viver a jornada em busca das maçãs, com a ajuda da minha voz.

O Human Design na Maçã Dourada

No meu trabalho com o Human Design, um dos meus focos é o mergulho profundo em cada um dos 9 centros energéticos. Esse processo tornou-se muito mais intenso após ter escrito "A Maçã Dourada". Enquanto escrevia, estive ligada a uma dimensão donde o conhecimento fluía diretamente para o livro.

Só quando cheguei ao final, percebi que tinha analisado 9 histórias, e que cada história trabalhava a energia de um dos centros energéticos. Não foi nada que eu tivesse planeado.

Já me tinha acontecido algo semelhante quando, ao fazer uma História Intuitiva, percebi que o foco da história eram os centros energéticos. Só que só surgiam 7, e não 9, o que para mim foi estranho, pois na altura já trabalhava com o HD.

Foi quando vi o livro da Carolin Myss, "Anatomia do Espírito", pousado no sofá onde tinha gravado a história. O sistema dela aborda 7 centros energéticos.

Enquanto escrevia "A Maçã Dourada”, estava quase a finalizar a minha certificação em Human Design, e o sistema entrou no livro, trazendo uma nova dimensão à forma como é possível transformar a energia dos centros.

A primeira história que analisei no livro "A Maçã Dourada", levou-me numa jornada de descoberta muito profunda. Afinal, sem o saber, tinha sido convidada a mergulhar no Centro da Raiz. "O diabo com os 3 cabelos dourados" continua a ser a minha história preferida. É no Centro da Raiz que tenho o meu Sol e Terra conscientes. A Raiz está ligada ao meu propósito de vida.

Não é preciso que conheças o teu gráfico de Human Design para ler “A Maçã Dourada”, mas se o conheceres podes trazer mais consciência ao teu processo.

Deixo aqui algumas sugestões:

- Leva mais tempo no capítulo que corresponde à tua autoridade e nos capítulos onde tens as portas da tua Cruz da Encarnação (vê as imagens abaixo para te orientares) - se não souberes, envia-me mensagem, com os teus dados de nascimento.

- Faz os exercícios propostos no livro. Podes usar o caderno que criei especialmente para isso, que está carregado com a energia das Maçãs. Este livro é sobre ti, é para ti. O que importa é a tua jornada, e os exemplos que dou são apenas para te ajudar a ter uma melhor perspetiva sobre ti.

- Traz a energia da Maçã Dourada para o teu dia-a-dia através do audiolivro. Basta deixar o áudio a correr como som de fundo - todo ele está carregado de energia. Eu tenho os áudios no telemóvel e costumo deixá-los tocar, quase sem som. 
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"I LOVE your book. This story of the Devil with the 3 golden hairs is brutal, and masterful the link you made to Granthis and Kundaliní. And to the whole philosophy of Yôga. You are a great sensitive with a rare intelligence and a ability to interpret the stories that fascinate me! You are a great philosopher and writer."

Zélia Couto e Santos, Master of Yôga and Founder of the Swásthya Yôga School October 5th

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Hiking 😅

“I didn't tell you but I just heard your book a few days ago. I hear it on my hikings and I even take longer walks so I can listen for longer. I loved it. Congratulations! I think on the next hiking I'll go back to listening to some parts.”

Carla Braz Rodrigues



" I want to start by thanking and congratulating the magnificent work, generously and lovingly made available. The audiobook “The Golden Apple” is fabulous, every word is full of wisdom, light and a lot of love, it is relaxing and healing to hear your voice full of sweetness, wisdom and affection. It is a voice that warms the Heart and illuminates the Soul.

I'm still in the first part - the descent to the hollow trunk - and I'm amazed with the wisdom and knowledge of this audiobook, it is a valuable gift for those who want and don't know how to travel the journey of expansion of consciousness, essential in these times.

Thank you Susana for Existing and for being part of my path, contributing more and more to the expansion of my consciousness, so that my journey is light and full of meaning."

Monica Valério


It "talked" to me

When the audiobook 'The Golden Apple' came into my life, I was listening when I felt something in me pulling me to do it. I felt that it was not a book to be listened to while the mind was occupied with daily tasks, but an experience that called for time to pause and reflect. So I did. Each chapter has several stories, and I'm not even sure how to describe the sensations they incited in me. I experienced several peaks in my emotional wave, the audiobook 'talked' to me in such a way that I spent the first part of the journey in tears.


The second and third part of the journey stirred something different in me. I felt a heaviness in my chest as if I had to fall asleep while maintaining consciousness, it was a pull to the depths of my being and an invitation to the unconscious to do its work and process each message.

Susana has the gift of intuition and it is wonderful how the stories she tells with her sweet voice, which on the surface seem 'simple', are actually an invitation to self-reflection and allow us to release weights within us. I feel it is a work to be heard at various stages of life as it will provide new knowledge at each new stage.


Inês Lopes

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