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There is a King who knows everything that goes on in the kingdom.


At lunch, the King waits for everyone to leave the room to uncover the platter that the Servant brings him. What is on the platter? Is it something that allows the King to have access to so much knowledge?


One day, the Servant lifts the lid and here's what he sees: a white serpent. Filled with desire, the Servant eats the serpent and finally discovers the mystery. After that, a journey begins... that culminates with the golden apple.


In most stories we find a journey. Traveling represents our inner journey process. We need to stretch the limits of what we know about ourselves if we are to expand our awareness.


This expansion of consciousness is often represented by a treasure: jewels, pearls, a crown... or a tree with golden apples.

The end of the journey is not the treasure: it is sharing it with the world. But what about the beginning? Generally, it all starts with a call.

The vision


On October 31, 2019, stimulated by a great friend, I went to peek at "the invisible worlds" and had a very strong vision.


A vision is the way I chose to designate what happens to me when I close my eyes and images appear that form a meaning and, at times, a narrative. It is not a trance, as I am fully awake and aware. I can leave at any time.


With my eyes open, I see nothing but stark, hard reality. I don't hear anything that isn't vibrating in the same space where the others are.


It is, therefore, an inner vision, much like a dream. And just like certain dreams, these visions tend to come true.


My visions are adventures in "invisible worlds", are stories where I am guided by intuition.


What was special about this vision was that it was a kind of premonition. Something was revealed to me. And it was such a good thing that I decided to share it.


The vision led me to the golden apples.

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