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In the modern world, the connection with the cosmos has been forgotten. We have forgotten to pay attention to the cycles of the stars; to travel on the wings of Mercury; to listen to the adventurous impulses of Jupiter. We don't know the sweet taste of ambrosia and we don't know that on a lost island there are trees with golden apples.
Old gods, forgotten plots, a fabric of mythical stories unraveling.
Here on Earth, we wander in circles, with no light to guide us. Up there, in the realm of the stars, light is not lacking, and it is linked to a fabric of ancestral narratives that sustains the fire of the soul.
For millennia, great sages have observed the stars and their effects on human beings. Astrology is a vast branch of knowledge with multiple approaches. My particular approach is focused on the Human Being and their evolutionary proposal. I follow a Humanistic, Psychological, Evolutionary and Archetypal Astrology.
I try to help you see your soul's proposal for the journey that is being proposed at the present moment, focusing on your energetic patterns and the cosmic dance that is activating constant transformations to facilitate your evolution.
These sessions are for those who want to evolve in alignment with their essential truth, taking responsibility for their lives.
In addition to astrological techniques, I use my intuitive ability to reveal the unconscious movements that will lead you to a place of wholeness, or to activate the energies of the planets, reinforcing their functions.

Know thyself
“I warn you, whoever you are, you who wish to probe the arcane mysteries of nature, that if you don't find what you're looking for inside yourself, you won't be able to find it outside. If you ignore the excellences of your own home, how can you hope to find other excellences? The Treasure of Treasures is hidden in you. Man, know yourself and you will know the universe and the gods.”
Inscription on the Temple of Apollo* in Delphi
* Formerly the Temple of Gaia
Astrology Session + Intuitive Reading
In this individual session, I try to guide you towards your North, the path that your Soul has come to follow on this earthly journey. Combining astrological techniques with my intuitive ability, I'll try to reveal what's stopping you from living your purpose and point out new possibilities.
✨Astrology - analysis of your natal chart and the main planetary transits, to identify and unblock your evolutionary path.
✨Intuitive reading - a journey through your “invisible worlds” to give voice to your Soul.
The sessions are online, via Zoom.
Duration: 1h30

Deméter and Perséfone
In the book “The Golden Apple”, I explored the myth of Demeter and Persephone and related it to the processes of our Soul. I believe that this myth is very active in the moment of transition we are experiencing, and that working with the energy of these archetypes is fundamental if we are to learn how to navigate these turbulent waters correctly.
After writing “The Golden Apple”, I learned to work with the protagonists of this myth, to such an extent that they began to manifest in my life. It took a great deal of focus, but I managed to make the energies of the “invisible worlds” visible, tangible: a process similar to that of Persephone, who descends into the Underworld and then returns, bringing Spring with her.
The most important thing about this myth, in my opinion, was the hidden treasures that Demeter and Persephone bestowed on Humanity, and which perhaps they will offer again in these challenging times of Transition.
Demeter had a Temple built to transmit the Mysteries to Humanity. It was there that each Being recovered their hidden Treasure, their essential history, their connection to Something Greater.
In this session dedicated to Demeter and Persephone, I will lead you through the energies that the goddesses awaken in your natal chart, and help you recover your greatest Treasure: the reunion with your Higher Self.
✨Astrology - analysis of the asteroids Ceres (Demeter) and Persephone in your natal chart, to awaken their creative power.
✨Intuitive reading - a journey guided by Demeter and Persephone.
The sessions are online, via Zoom.
Duration: 1h30
Individual Mentoring
In this Individual Mentoring session, we'll go through your main planetary activations to awaken your essence through the celestial bodies that activated you at the time of your birth. We'll navigate the mythology of these stars that speak of our personal and collective history, and open the way to new dimensions within you.
I'll use my intuitive ability to read your inner world to unlock the areas activated by each of the planets and reveal the potential you carry dormant.
This mentoring is aimed at people who seek a greater understanding of their challenges, who wish to deepen their self-knowledge and expand their consciousness.
It is a return to the Origin through the cosmic force of Light, in which you will realize that the Magic of the Planets lives within you!
For those on the Human Design journey, I also include the planets in the Human Design chart.
The Magic of the Planets:
14 online sessions (via zoom) or individual sessions
Session duration: 1h30
Astrology focusing on the natal chart and the main planetary transits
Intuitive reading in all sessions
Alchemy through working with the planets
Mythology and symbology of the planets
Energetic activations to raise consciousness and facilitate alignment with the flow of life
Catch the Gods meditation program
Option: can include Human Design (requirement: to have done Individual Analysis - Foundation Reading)
The Magic of the Planets
1 - Sun
How is your shine, your Light? Do you radiate your Light easily, in alignment with your life purpose? Or are you looking for that Light outside of yourself?

2 - Earth
To bring your Light into the world, you need to root it in the Earth. How? You will receive the keys to this unique and special process, and we will activate the power of Mother Earth.
3 - Moon
Let's look at the force that moves you in life, a lunar space from which your needs and emotional pains can spring, but which we can transform into a sacred temple of spiritual consciousness.

4 - Mercury
What is there in you that needs to be communicated? The Messenger of the Gods will help you open your consciousness and purify your channels of communication, so that your message can fly.

5 - Venus
What do you magnetize in your life? What do you value and appreciate? Here, we will explore your core values and call upon the Goddess of Love herself to help you attract the right relationships.

6 - Mars
Where do you react immaturely and explosively? Do you know how to use your warrior power? Here we will explore ways to use the power of desire in a mature way, to achieve evolutionary transformation.

7 - Jupiter
The great heavenly blessings are encoded in your chart and you must respect the laws written in stone. Here, we will appeal to the King of the Gods to expand your potential and open you to abundance.

8 - Saturn
The guardian of Time and Karma does not forgive. He is the great Master, cold and objective. That is why it is so important to respect our essence. Here, you will learn how to cross the Guardian's threshold with the necessary correction.

9 - Uranus
Spiritual Awakening is an experience that sometimes results from a shock, an explosive force that pushes us into the process of individuation. Something unpredictable can happen here...

10 - Neptune
Mist, music, beauty, illusion... Neptune's realms are the ones that allow themselves to be captured the least (where is Nereus?), but it is here that the potential for greatest transcendence lies. Shall we dive in?
11 - Pluto
We have reached the depths, the place where your inner truth is hidden. This is the place where the greatest transformations occur. It is here that the Serpent sheds its old skin and is reborn.

12 - Chiron
All Initiation is a process of Healing. We will connect with Chiron, the mentor of heroes, and search for the keys to the labyrinth.

13 - The Path of Life
Where do you come from and where are you going? Aligning with your life path helps you overcome any change and... changes are coming.

14 - Asteroids
Session focused on the planetary bodies that impact you the most, exploring their mythology and meaning.
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