Bees taught the god Apollo the gift of prophecy. So that his message could reach the world, it was necessary to build a temple, where the Priestess of Apollo dictated the oracle to those who went there. Thus, the sacred wisdom that departed from the bees reached the entire classical world.
If you are a person with a unique wisdom or gift, and you need a boost for your Soul project, I am available to help you, sharing with you my experience in building YourSelfStory and helping you to grow for the world. in tune with your purpose.
Honoring the ancestral wisdom of bees, I created a mentorship to accompany you on the beautiful journey of... Serving Honey.
A practical and structural Mentorship
Serving the Honey mentorship it will be a journey made together, where I will help you to put your voice out there, guiding you to use the resources that are at your disposal, and indicating a path in which you can be true to yourself.
This mentorship will focus on two aspects: content (honey) and form (hive).
Just as bees, in their daily work, organize themselves into a very coherent structure, so must we do to ensure that our content is delivered in the right way, to the right people.
This mentoring is very practical, a step by step, in which the most important thing is that you put in the world what is in line with your Purpose.
We will explore what your services are, who your client is, how you will expose yourself, and other areas that are necessary to make your gift a sustainable business. Always in alignment with your individual truth.
Energetic alignment is important as what others feel is the energy you emanate. Throughout the mentoring, we will also do internal connection work.
In structural terms, I will accompany you in the production of content, teaching you how to work with digital platforms with which you have difficulty: from programming a publication, sending a newsletter, recording a video, scheduling a video call or even building a website .
Basically, I'm offering a service that I wish I had had access to when I launched YourSelfStory: having someone give me a hand in the difficult moment of risking everything and taking the leap, when I didn't know how I could put my gifts in the world and helping others.
If you feel the call, click on the button and fill out your application:
A Mentoria inclui:
14 sessões online, via Zoom
Workbook personalizado
Herbário - o teu caderno de exercícios personalizado
Programa de meditação Earth Spirit
3 formatos
Esta é uma das mentorias que mais me solicitam, e como cada pessoa tem as suas necessidades específicas, optei por oferecê-la em 3 formatos:
Néctar de ouro: 14 sessões individuais que incluem o Módulo 1 e o Módulo 2.
Melissa: sessões individuais avulso, agendadas à medida das tuas necessidades, para te ajudar a criar, estruturar e comunicar o teu projeto ou negócio.
Na colmeia: aqui caminhamos em grupo, seguindo a estrutura do Módulo 1 e do Módulo 2. Neste momento, podes ficar em lista de espera, até que abra novas vagas.
Módulo 1: Construir a Colmeia
Neste módulo vamos perceber qual a melhor forma de adquirires estrutura interna, conectando-te àquilo que te é essencial. Iremos abordar os conceitos chave do Human Design, o que te irá permitir entender como funcionas.
São 6 sessões dedicadas a uma construção interna que te será útil para toda a vida.
1 - Apresentação de conceitos de Human Design
2 - Tipos e as suas Estratégias
3 - Autoridade
4 - Definição
5 - Centros energéticos
6 - Integração